How do I know what to blog about?

It happens to the even the most experienced bloggers.  One day you sit down at your computer ready to create a post that will astound all your readers and all of a sudden – you can’t think of anything to write about!

Luckily, there are a few tools out there that can help provide inspiration for your next blog post.  These tools can help figure out which topics are trending at the moment.

Google Trends:

This is one of the easiest ways to find out what people are searching for. You can use it to sort the topic by the type of search that has been carried out, so if you want to know about the news stories that are trending you can search for this type of entry only.  You can also sort the data by geographical area and categories.  Features of Google Trends include charts and these are updated on a regular basis.  This tool is also useful if you have been using AdWords or tools that can help you with keyword generation as you can then match up the topics to the keywords and plan your content accordingly.

You can also use Google Trends to carry out a small brainstorming session.  All you have to do is enter a few random terms that are linked to your site and see what happens.  Don’t forget to check the related terms and rising terms that the tool provides.


This is a tool that can help you to identify what people are searching for on a range of websites.  If you have a keyword you are considering using you only have to enter it into the site and it will show you the most popular searches related to the keyword for all the major search engines and other sites.  So for example if you are creating a site about “embroidery” you can enter this into the site and find out what the top searches are surrounding embroidery on google, Wikipedia, YouTube, and more.  Once you find out what people are most interested in, you can shape your content strategy.


Don’t be fooled into thinking that there is any one software that will provide you with all the topics you need for your blog.  Outside of software, feedback is an important part of a successful blog.  A blog that has engaging content will encourage comments from readers and their questions may throw up some useful topics for you to consider for your next blog post.

Although there is no magic formula, we hope this post provides a few tools for inspiration. As always, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or provide suggestions on other tools that have helped you.