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PLEASE NOTE: This software is for Windows based computer systems only. This software will not operate on any Apple/iOS device.
Downloading this software assumes the person downloading the program understands the download process as well as extracting files from a ZIP file and running a .EXE file to install a program.
This software should only be installed on a computer that doesn't already have Melco security key (USB or Virtual) installed. When sizer (v10) is opened an activation screen will open stating the product must be activated. In the corner of the activation window there is a Sizer button. Click that button to run Sizer. Depending how your computer system is configured you MAY need ADMIN RIGHTS to install this software on your computer.
Qdigitizing does not offer any warranty implied or expressed for this software. Qdigitizing cannot offer support for the software to include installation, use of the software or uninstallation. This software is downloaded and installed at your own risk.
<<Click here>> to indicate you have read and understood this disclaimer.